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Reef Fishes of the Indo-Pacific
Reef Fishes of the Indo-Pacific

Reef Fishes of the Indo-Pacific



352 Pages, 6 x 8.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $29.99 (US $29.99) (CA $39.99)

Publication Date: September 2021

ISBN 9781912081349

Rights: US & CA

John Beaufoy Publishing (Sep 2021)

Price: $29.99


An invaluable identification guide for divers and snorkellers

The Indo-Pacific region is the dream destination for all SCUBA divers and snorkellers. The coral reefs in this region are bursting with marine life and are home to more animal species than any other diving spot in the world—more than 40 per cent of all coral reef fishes known worldwide. Added to this, the waters are crystal-clear, giving the best chance of viewing the underwater stars. Top-quality, close-up photographs of each species (in some cases including juvenile or sub-adult variants) are accompanied by detailed information listing identifying features, size, biology, and distribution. The introductory section focuses on specific types of behaviour, such as mimicry, cleaning stations, and the symbiotic relationships between various species. The species descriptions that follow are grouped in three chapters on fishes, invertebrates, and reptiles and sea mammals. This guide covers Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives, Mauritius, Melanesia, Micronesia, the Philippines, Polynesia, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand, and describes over 800 species.

Author Biography

Dr Matthias Bergbauer is an ocean biologist and works at Munich University. Manuela Kirschner is a successful underwater photographer with awards from national and international photography competitions.